STKMAN is comprised of many different elements of rock styles, some we grew up with and as the music business has changed over the year's we've added a few more to our list of fav's.

Steven Steinbach has been with the group since 4 year's and what he's brought to the table with his Guitar's has been a force of nature.

Danny Childress the main Vocalist has been writing for the band since it began along with Nat Kerr co founder and co writer/keyboardist has formulated a twist on a melting pot of Song's that has define the direction of the band from the get go.

Taking band's like Yes, Genesis, Kansas and Rush to name a few with a dash of Tool and shook it up and brought it to a rolling boil and this is the sound you get.

With Poly rhythmic arrangement's to just good ole Rock and roll growling organ's along with symphonic undertones and intelligent head bashing metal guitars has come up with a Unique approach to how we produce Music in some familiar yet original way. 

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